It’s no secret that as the bride, you want to revel in every moment of your wedding day. From the second you wake up to the moment your head hits the pillow at night, the day is YOURS! You deserve to soak in every second!
One great way to make the most of your wedding day is to host a pre-wedding brunch!
Ultimately, you can have brunch with whoever you want to. One fun idea is to have a brunch with all the special women in your life! Sisters, aunts, grandmas, cousins, best friends, all the ladies you want to celebrate with!
During this time, your groom and his friends can enjoy the morning doing an activity that they enjoy. You know the usual go to morning of the wedding groom’s party stuff: golfing, fishing, hunting, grabbing a drink, eating lunch, or anything they want to do!
Your girls only brunch is the perfect time to celebrate changing your last name by popping some champagne! Have some serious fun with your girls before getting all dressed up for your big day! Enjoy eating delicious food, playing some games, ask friends to share favorite memories, do anything and everything you want to do to make your brunch special for YOU!
It’s a great time to get some matching t-shirt pictures with your bridesmaids and treat yo’ self on your special day!